Tuesday, 28 February 2017

What Each Piece Of Code Does

The following functions that will be explained here: ellipse, rect, and line:

How to use: ellipse(x, y, w, h);
X is used to mark a horizontal point from 0 to 400 while Y is used to mark a vertical point from 0 to 400. W sets how long the created circle's diameter will be while H is used to set how tall/high the circle's diameter will be.

How to use: line(x, y, L, h);
The X is used to set where the top left of the rectangle will be on the X plane(left to right, higher # equals farther right) while Y is used to set where top left of the rectangle is on the Y plane(up and down, higher # equal lower down). 
L/w is used to set how long the rectangle will be(goes to the right), while 'h' is used to set how far down the the rectangle will stretch(higher # equal the rectangle going farther down the screen).

How to use: line(x1, y1, x2, y2); <note: do not include the 1 or 2 in the actual code string.>

The numbers 'x1' and 'y1' are used to set the start point for the line, point A if you will while 'x2' and 'y2' are used to set the end point or point B. If done correctly a line will appear between points A and B.    

Challenge: Waving Snowman

Monday, 27 February 2017

Friday, 17 February 2017


Friday Post

Tips & Tricks

Keyboard Shortcuts:

Three keyboard shortcuts:
1. Copy Figure: Ctrl-C, Paste Figure: Ctrl-V

2. Raise Figure: Ctrl-Up, Lower Figure: Ctrl-Down

3. Flip Figure: M

I downloaded this Image: Soccerball.jpg, Why can't I use it as a Sprite? 

Here's why:

Pivot Animator can not process .jpeg images and to fix this you would have to convert it to a different file compression type.

I want the dimensions on my animation to have a width of 950 and a height of 450 and then want a background with the dimensions 200x200 but an Warning pops up:
What happens if I chose YES, What happens if i chose NO?

If you pressed NO: your Background will remain a 200x200 image but your animation will remain 950x450 therefore your background will be smaller than your animation.

If you pressed YES: your Background will be scaled up to the same size as your animation but will become a lower resolution as a result.

My Pivot Chair:

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Ground Hog Day 2017

1. What Is Groundhog Day?

  Groundhog day is traditional holiday that is celebrated on February 2nd that started in the United States that originated from Pennsylvania German custom that existed in southeastern and central Pennsylvania during the 17th and 18th centuries. The concept of groundhog day is nothing new as many past events as well as folklore and superstitions have similar bases for themselves. 
2. What is Punxsutawney Phil's prediction?
    There will be 6 more weeks of Winter.

3.What is Wiarton Willie's prediction?

    There will be an early Spring.

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

What I want to learn in IT

I want to learn computer coding because everyday life is becoming more and more reliant on computers and technology, as such I wish to be able to do this as so I can be able to get into jobs such as mechanical engineering and do as many things as possible in today's world.

Estimated Grade